API Reference

This page is reference for the public API. Each class or function can be imported directly from apiwrappers.

apiwrappers.fetch(driver: apiwrappers.protocols.Driver, request: apiwrappers.entities.Request, timeout: Union[int, float, None, datetime.timedelta, apiwrappers.structures.NoValue] = NoValue(), model: None = None, source: Optional[str] = None) apiwrappers.entities.Response
apiwrappers.fetch(driver: apiwrappers.protocols.AsyncDriver, request: apiwrappers.entities.Request, timeout: Union[int, float, None, datetime.timedelta, apiwrappers.structures.NoValue] = NoValue(), model: None = None, source: Optional[str] = None) Awaitable[apiwrappers.entities.Response]
apiwrappers.fetch(driver: apiwrappers.protocols.Driver, request: apiwrappers.entities.Request, timeout: Union[int, float, None, datetime.timedelta, apiwrappers.structures.NoValue] = NoValue(), model: Union[Callable[[...], apiwrappers.shortcuts.T], Type[apiwrappers.shortcuts.T]] = None, source: Optional[str] = None) apiwrappers.shortcuts.T
apiwrappers.fetch(driver: apiwrappers.protocols.AsyncDriver, request: apiwrappers.entities.Request, timeout: Union[int, float, None, datetime.timedelta, apiwrappers.structures.NoValue] = NoValue(), model: Union[Callable[[...], apiwrappers.shortcuts.T], Type[apiwrappers.shortcuts.T]] = None, source: Optional[str] = None) Awaitable[apiwrappers.shortcuts.T]

Makes a request and returns response from server.

This is shortcut function for making requests. Prefer this over Driver.fetch() and AsyncDriver.fetch(). It also has extended behaviour and can parse JSON if model arg provided.

  • driver – driver that actually makes a request.

  • request – request object.

  • timeout – how many seconds to wait for the server to send data before giving up. If set to None waits infinitely. If provided, will take precedence over the driver.timeout.

  • model – parser for a json response. This can be either type, e.g. List[int], or a callable that accepts json.

  • source – name of the key in the json, which value will be passed to the model. You may use dotted notation to traverse keys, e.g. key1.key2.


  • Response if regular driver is provided and model is not.

  • Awaitable[Response] if asynchronous driver is provided, model is not.

  • T if regular driver and model is provided. The T corresponds to model type.

  • Awaitable[T] if asynchronous driver and model is provided. The T corresponds to model type.


Simple Usage:

>>> from apiwrappers import Method, Request, fetch, make_driver
>>> driver = make_driver("requests")
>>> request = Request(Method.GET, "https://example.org")
>>> response = fetch(driver, request)
<Response [200]>

To use it in asynchronous code just use proper driver and don’t forget to await:

>>> from apiwrappers import Method, Request, fetch, make_driver
>>> driver = make_driver("aiohttp")
>>> request = Request(Method.GET, "https://example.org")
>>> response = await fetch(driver, request)
<Response [200]>

If you provide model argument the JSON response will be parsed:

>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> from typing import List
>>> from apiwrappers import Method, Request, fetch, make_driver
>>> @dataclass
... class Repo:
...     name: str
>>> driver = make_driver("requests")
>>> Request(
...     Method.GET,
...     "https://api.github.com/users/unmade/repos",
... )
>>> fetch(driver, request, model=List[Repo])
[Repo(name='am-date-picker'), ...]

Do note, it’s highly discourage to use Optional if a fetch call, because mypy can’t infer proper type for that case and the return type will be object

apiwrappers.make_driver(driver_type: typing_extensions.Literal[requests], *middleware: Type[apiwrappers.protocols.Middleware], timeout: Union[int, float, None, datetime.timedelta] = 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT', verify: Union[bool, str] = 'True', cert: Union[str, None, Tuple[str, str]] = 'None') apiwrappers.protocols.Driver
apiwrappers.make_driver(driver_type: typing_extensions.Literal[aiohttp], *middleware: Type[apiwrappers.protocols.AsyncMiddleware], timeout: Union[int, float, None, datetime.timedelta] = 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT', verify: Union[bool, str] = 'True', cert: Union[str, None, Tuple[str, str]] = 'None') apiwrappers.protocols.AsyncDriver
apiwrappers.make_driver(driver_type: str, *middleware: Union[Type[apiwrappers.protocols.Middleware], Type[apiwrappers.protocols.AsyncMiddleware]], timeout: Union[int, float, None, datetime.timedelta] = 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT', verify: Union[bool, str] = 'True', cert: Union[str, None, Tuple[str, str]] = 'None') Union[apiwrappers.protocols.Driver, apiwrappers.protocols.AsyncDriver]

Creates driver instance and returns it

This is a factory function to ease driver instantiation. That way you can abstract from specific driver class - no need to import it, no need to know how the class is called.

  • driver_type – specifies what kind of driver to create. Valid choices are request and aiohttp.

  • *middlewaremiddleware to apply to driver. Dependant on driver_type it should be of one kind - either Type[Middleware] for regular drivers and Type[AsyncMiddleware] for asynchronous ones.

  • timeout – how many seconds to wait for the server to send data before giving up. If set to None waits infinitely.

  • verify – Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether to verify the server’s TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use.

  • cert – Either a path to SSL client cert file (.pem) or a (‘cert’, ‘key’) tuple.


  • Driver if driver_type is requests.

  • AsyncDriver if driver_type is aiohttp.


ValueError – if unknown driver type specified


>>> from apiwrappers import make_driver
>>> make_driver("requests")
RequestsDriver(timeout=300, verify=True)

Driver Protocols

class apiwrappers.AsyncDriver(*args, **kwds)

Protocol describing asynchronous driver.


list of middleware to be run on every request.




how many seconds to wait for the server to send data before giving up. If set to None should wait infinitely.




Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether to verify the server’s TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use.




Either a path to SSL client cert file (.pem) or a (‘cert’, ‘key’) tuple.



async fetch(request, timeout=NoValue())

Makes actual request and returns response from the server.

Return type


Returns: response from the server.

Return type


class apiwrappers.Driver(*args, **kwds)

Protocol describing regular synchronous driver.


list of middleware to be run on every request.




how many seconds to wait for the server to send data before giving up. If set to None should wait infinitely.




Either a boolean, in which case it controls whether to verify the server’s TLS certificate, or a string, in which case it must be a path to a CA bundle to use.




Either a path to SSL client cert file (.pem) or a (‘cert’, ‘key’) tuple.



fetch(request, timeout=NoValue())

Makes actual request and returns response from the server.

Return type


Returns: response from the server.

Return type


Request and Response

class apiwrappers.Method(value)

A subclass of enum.Enum that defines a set of HTTP methods

The available methods are:

  • HEAD

  • GET

  • POST

  • PUT



>>> from apiwrappers import Method
>>> Method.GET
<Method.GET: 'GET'>
>>> Method.POST == 'POST'
class apiwrappers.Request(method, url, query_params=None, headers=None, cookies=None, auth=None, data=None, files=None, json=None)

A container holding a request information

  • method (apiwrappers.entities.Method) – HTTP Method to use.

  • url (apiwrappers.structures.Url) – URL to send request to.

  • query_params (Mapping[str, Optional[Iterable[str]]]) – dictionary or list of tuples to send in the query string. Param with None values will not be added to the query string. Default value is empty dict.

  • headers (MutableMapping[str, str]) – headers to send.

  • cookies (MutableMapping[str, str]) – cookies to send.

  • auth (Optional[Union[Tuple[str, str], Callable[[], Dict[str, str]], Callable[[], Generator[Request, Response, Dict[str, str]]]]]) – Auth tuple to enable Basic Auth or callable returning dict with authorization headers, e.g. ‘{“Authorization”: “Bearer …”}’

  • data (Union[str, None, Mapping[str, Any], Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]]) – the body to attach to the request. If a dictionary or list of tuples [(key, value)] is provided, form-encoding will take place.

  • files (Optional[Dict[str, Union[BinaryIO, Tuple[str, BinaryIO], Tuple[str, BinaryIO, str]]]]) – Dictionary of 'name': file-like-objects (or {'name': file-tuple}) for multipart encoding upload. file-tuple can be a 2-tuple ('filename', fileobj), 3-tuple ('filename', fileobj, 'content_type'), where 'content-type' is a string defining the content type of the given file.

  • json (Union[str, int, float, bool, None, Mapping[str, Any], List[Any]]) – json for the body to attach to the request (mutually exclusive with data arg).


ValueError – If both data or files or json args provided.


>>> from apiwrappers import Request
>>> Request(Method.GET, 'https://example.org')
Request(method=<Method.GET: 'GET'>, ...)
class apiwrappers.Response(request, status_code, url, headers, cookies, content, encoding)

A container holding a response from server.

  • request (apiwrappers.entities.Request) – request object to which this is a response.

  • status_code (int) – integer Code of responded HTTP Status, e.g. 404 or 200.

  • url (str) – final URL location of Response

  • headers (apiwrappers.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict[str]) – case-insensitive dict of response headers. For example, headers['content-encoding'] will return the value of a 'Content-Encoding' response header.

  • cookies (http.cookies.SimpleCookie) – cookies the server sent back.

  • content (bytes) – content of the response, in bytes.

  • encoding (str) – encoding or the response.

Return type



Returns the json-encoded content of the response.


ValueError – if the response body does not contain valid json.

Return type

Union[str, int, float, bool, None, Mapping[str, Any], List[Any]]


Returns content of the response, in unicode.

If server response doesn’t specified encoding, utf-8 will be used instead.

Return type


class apiwrappers.Url(template, **replacements)

Class to work with formatted string URLs and joining urls and path.

Sometimes it useful to keep original format string in place, for example, for logging or metrics. This class stores original format string and its replacements fields, substituting it when needed.

  • template (str) – a URL as format string, e.g. “https://example.org/users/{id}”.

  • replacements (Any) – values to format template with.


>>> from apiwrappers import Url
>>> url = Url("https://example.org")
>>> url("/users/{id}", id=1)
Url('https://example.org/users/{id}', id=1)
>>> str(url("/users/{id}", id=1))
__call__(path, **replacements)

Joins path with current URL and return a new instance.

  • path (str) – a path as format string, e.g. “/users/{id}”.

  • replacements (Any) – values to path with.

Return type


Returns: New instance with a url joined with path.


exception apiwrappers.DriverError

Base class for driver-specific errors.

exception apiwrappers.ConnectionFailed

A Connection error occurred.

exception apiwrappers.Timeout

The request timed out.